Dr Ayaka Nishikawa
Dr. Ayaka Nishikawa obtained her M.D. from Yokohama City University School of Medicine in Japan in 2013. Following her graduation, she completed her professional training at Tokyo Medical Center in 2015. Since then, she has been dedicated to her practice at Shonan Beauty Clinic in Japan, where she assumed the role of Manager of the Dermatology Department in 2017. Currently, Dr. Nishikawa serves as the Director of the Dermatology Department at Shonan Beauty Clinic and holds a position as a Visiting Professor at SBC Tokyo Medical University. Dr. Nishikawa is highly regarded both locally and internationally as a speaker, focusing on Asian skin rejuvenation and body contouring techniques employing injectables and energy-based devices. She actively engages in educating and mentoring over 400 doctors in her field.
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