Announcing the eligibility for Funding Support under the SME Export Marketing Fund (EMF) for AMSC Hong Kong 2024 (Physical Exhibition Part)

The Trade and Industry Department (TID) has recently confirmed the eligibility for funding support of the Aesthetic Medicine & Surgery Conference & Exhibition (AMSC) Hong Kong 2024 physical exhibition part under the SME Export Marketing Fund (EMF).

As per TID Hong Kong, eligible Hong Kong exhibitors / sponsors may apply for funding support under the EMF.  For reimbursement, applicant enterprises should submit their applications within 60 calendar days after the completion date of the activity.  For initial payment cum final payment, applicant enterprises should submit their applications within 45 to 120 calendar days before the commencement date of the activity. Successful applicant enterprises will receive an initial payment of up to 75% of the total preliminarily approved government funding and they must also submit a corresponding application for final payment within 60 calendar days after the completion date of the activity (as in the case of submitting an application for reimbursement). 

Applications can be submitted through the following channels:

Online e-Form:
OR, by post, via drop-in box, or in person

Late submission of an application will not be accepted unless there are exceptional circumstances or justified grounds substantiated with supporting documents.

For detailed information on the application procedures and supporting documents required, kindly refer as follows :

Application Procedures:

Supporting Documents:

EMF Application Form:

Additionally, you may find the ‘Online Application Demo’ on TID’s website at:

This would be great opportunity all eligible enterprises to take full advantage of this funding opportunity provided. Should you have any questions or require further information, please feel free to contact our team or refer to the resources abovementioned.

For more information about AMSC HK, visit our website at

Note from TID Hong Kong: Trade and Industry Department reserves at all times the right to review whether an activity has met the funding conditions and determine whether an application has met the various conditions, requirements and criteria for funding support under the EMF. Any subsequent change in the nature, scope or other arrangements of the activity (including the target audience of exhibition and the format of the exhibition) may affect its eligibility for the EMF. 

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